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About Us

Business Network

The is the world's first business card business network. Founded in 2009. In the previous 6 years experience in web design, we give you an innovative thinking and a booming Internet business platform.This platform provide the Malaysian business community a way to enable their business cards easily approach to the public.'s services were to significantly reduce the sense of business communication's distance, which makes the businesses to reach more customers group. As a pioneer for Malaysia business card network, according to the cross-community, mutual benefit and equity as principle, to further explore the endless blue ocean in the areas of traditional business card.

Search for your needs, promote your business!

The concept and structure

The initial of is data collection station. To provide information for different regions, so that people search easily and convenience. (Example: contact information while broken water pipes at home, to pack food, subscribe chapter, clinics, 24hr emergency...) Sometimes a lot of people do not know the contact information they needed, helpless. So this is the main service in

Malaysia831 : Malaysia's Independence Day is August 31, 1957.

Freedom and new life begins. Our country is a multi-ethnic people. Sometimes a lot of information is often classified. So provides you a best way to across the boundary and increase the popularity